My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The name hostage is a little misleading it should be Hijack, but maybe the author had a reason for this, if so I missed it. Hostage or Hijack this is a very good novel full of action, thrills and cliff hanging moments. The story starts with what is almost the ending as the author describes the events leading up to that point. After a slow start the pace picks up and we meet the central character Eden Lundell head of the Security Services counter-terrorism unit in Stockholm. Eden who has previously worked for MI5 is tasked to catch terrorists responsible for the four bomb threats targeted at Stockholm and the subsequent hijacking of a flight to USA. With only scraps of evidence to work with the team of specialists try to piece together the reasons behind these actions and get the aircraft safely on the ground.
Very exciting and feels like "real time" story telling which has been expertly translated into English. Kristina Ohlsson finishes chapters on cliff hangers and you have to read on through one two more chapters before returning to that key moment to find out what happened. Frustrating but very exciting to read.
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