Saturday, 21 November 2015

Powerless by Tim Washburn

PowerlessPowerless by Tim Washburn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We all look to the sun as a heat source and very desirable when on holiday, but what if it spewed an enormous amount of electromagnetic energy that it destroyed our electrical infrastructure. What would that be like? Today we cannot live without our gadgets, phones and TV this book gives a very realistic insight into that scenario. The story has a few threads following the lives of different people affected by the power out including the President of the USA and the main character Zeke Marshall a Afghanistan veteran who sets out to rescue his sister and family. This is a great book full of action and some thrills but most of all it gives you that view of how the world could be. Unlike some disaster type novels where nothing is concluded Tim Washburn nicely wraps up all the loose ends. Recommended

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